Tuesday, June 8, 2010

100 Songs I Love presents...5 Rock Chicks I Love (Songs 25-29)

You thought I'd given up, huh? You thought, "I guess Matt couldn't find enough songs to love," right? Well, you're wrong, creep, because I'm back with five more songs I love, and this time I've added some pictures of hot chicks! Word to the wise: don't miss out on these songs. Click the links. You won't be disappointed.
Alice Glass of Crystal Castles
Song #25:
Pap Smear from Crystal Castles (II)

Alice Glass scares me a little and that's why she appeals to me so much. Sure, in the above picture she looks downright approachable, but in the bulk of the photos one can find by conducting a simple Google image search, Ms. Glass appears borderline psychotic; a demented pixie crawling on drum kits one second and writhing on the floor the next. And her voice? While it is forever being manipulated by bandmate Ethan Kath, the raw angst and beauty comes through like a demon-possessed jackhammer, eviscerating your ears then softly cuddling the bloody chunks to its bosom. "Pap Smear," a track from the band's latest album, is an early favorite for me, but the album as a whole is so explosive, my loyalties remain in a constant state of flux. Crystal Castles is without a doubt my favorite band right now.
Inara George
Song #26:
Good To Me from All Rise

Inara George has one of the most gorgeous voices I have ever heard. Her work with Greg Kurstin in The Bird and the Bee is among some of my favorite music being produced right now, but this track from George's first solo album is always in my iPod rotation and has appeared on more than a few mix CDs. Yes, I make mix CDs for people, why?
Liz Phair
Song #27:
Perfect World from Whitechocolatespaceegg

Choosing a favorite Liz Phair song is damn near impossible. I've been in love with Liz Phair since my high school girlfriend played the song "Flower" for me one summer night as we drove aimlessly around Charlotte in her car. More than likely our journey took us to a church parking lot where a lengthy make out session was certain to occur. I mean, c'mon, you don't play "Flower" for a horny young man then leave him hanging. I didn't want to go the obvious route and choose "Flower" for this feature however, so I chose one of my favorite tracks from Ms. Phair's third album, Whitechocolatespaceegg. "Perfect World" is quiet, earnest, and completely devoid of sexual innuendo, making it kind of an oddball in the Liz Phair oeuvre.
Song #28:
Malchik Gay from 200 km/h in the Wrong Lane

OK, sure, it was the whole "hot, Russian, teen lesbian" thing that made me take notice initially, but it was the music that made me stick around. I don't care who knows it: I genuinely like t.A.T.u.'s first English release. I like the video where they pretend to make out with one another behind a chain link fence while disgusted onlookers shake their heads in disgust. I like The Smiths' cover (Go ahead, punch me in the face. I can take it! I'm a man!). And I especially like "Malchik Gay," a catchy pop song about how hard it is to be a fake lesbian. Plus, I think it kind of sounds like they're saying "magic gay," and that makes me smile.
Song #29:
Rude Boy from Rated R

I've already written about my obsession with "Umbrella" and my inability to skip it whenever it makes an iPod appearance, but while "Umbrella" will always have a spot on my playlist, it lacks the raw sex appeal of "Rude Boy" and that song's accompanying video. Who are we to deny Rihanna when she demands that we give it to her "like boom boom boom?" I don't know what the hell that means, but I'm willing to learn. Wanna know how Rihanna made my Celebrity Sex List? Click the link and learn. (By the way, my wife knows all about the Celebrity Sex List. She has one too. Its got a few weirdos on it, if I'm being honest.)