Wednesday, June 16, 2010

100 Songs I Love presents...10 Songs to Crank Up When the Windows are Down (Songs 30-39)

Summertime: I hate every square inch of it! If I was forced to pick a favorite part o' Summer however, I would probably say the whole "rolling down the car windows & blasting my favorite tunes" thing. True, you can probably enjoy this activity year-round, but there's just something about driving around town, stereo volume locked somewhere between "39" and "45", blaring some tuneskis, and shouting "Wooo" to the ladies that screams Summer to me.

So, tonight, as I continue upon my quest to highlight and share 100 of my very favorite songs with you, dear readers, I focus on songs I love to play while tooling around town in my Scion, elbow pointed toward the horizon in the "devil-may-care" fashion people have come to expect from me. I suggest adding one or two (Are you bold enough to add all???) of the following songs to your Summer Listening List. Now get out there and create some noise pollution!

30. Distopian Dream Girl by Built to Spill
31. Form by Hooray for Earth
32. Los Angeles by Frank Black

(You can't beat Frank Black cruising around the desert in a hovercraft.)
33. Heaven's on Fire by The Radio Dept.
34. Daisy by Fang Island
35. Water Wings by Superchunk

36. Dead Womb by Death From Above 1979
37. Me and Mia by Ted Leo and The Pharmacists

38. This Love is Fucking Right by The Pains of Being Pure at Heart
39. Dark As Days by Army Navy