Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Talkin' Lost: Part 2

Previously on Talkin' Lost...we talked about Lost. Here is the second part of that conversation.

Jordan: I really liked when Sun and Jin were enlightened and started speaking English... cause English rules!! But also I enjoyed to see how happy they were in that moment.

Matt: Yeah, I was all like, "Finally, I don't gotta read them little words on the screen no more."

Jordan: Early on in the show when Locke, Jack and Desmond went down into the light, I had this suspicion that when Desmond entered the light, he would go straight into the Sideways World and that would be his moment from "Happily Ever After" and as he went about waking up the others, their island counterparts would fade away and join the Sideways World, and the end would be the Man in Black all alone and still stuck on the island.

Another idea I had was after Jack became the new Jacob, he would stop and kill MIB, but Desmond would enter the light and be transformed into the new corrupted influence (Desmond being super resistant to the energy just as MIB's mother made him special so Jacob couldn't use it kill him). So now Desmond's the one desperate to get off the island to find Penny and Jack is now the one to keep him imprisoned or else corruption would spread. And the more things change the more they stay the same.

What do you think of the fact that the island had a recurring theme of crazy mothers and so many characters had father issues back home? (Ben Hurley Jack Sawyer Sun Penny Claire Aaron Kate)

Matt: I think that was a direct result of Jacob dictating the island’s rules. I mean, he had a crazy mom who lied and schemed to keep him unaware of a world outside of the island. Plus, Jacob and MIB never knew their father and you know how that can screw up a kid. I mean, not you personally. I’m sure your home life was endlessly pleasant.

Jordan: I have to say I missed part of what Christian said to Jack in the church. I was watching it at my parents' house and naturally that's when they both came in and started talking over the TV. If only I had bound and gagged them beforehand.
Jordan: Do you think that when the MIB got the light turned off and he became mortal again, that was the moment when he was now free to leave the island?

Matt: Absolutely. MIB always knew that he would have to destroy the island to free himself. He never gave a crap about the island anyway. It was all about getting to that mysterious world across the sea, which, ironically, was filled with people which, in both human and smoke form, he seemed to hate. Actually, I’m not sure why he was so bent on getting off the island. Probably just the principle of the thing.

Jordan: If he left the island as a mortal man, how would that affect the rest of the world? Jacob implied MIB had to stay on the island. His mother did too, but her reasons were that she was 1) crazy 2) just didn't like the outside world and wanted the island and everything on it to be in a cocoon. Maybe MIB was right when he told Sawyer there was nothing to protect it from, although it's more than just a mere island.

Matt: The island is definitely special, I mean, it fixed Locke's spine and eradicated Rose’s cancer. So, yeah, the island is an amazing place. That’s why the DHARMA Initiative was there studying and exploring. But do I think the world was in danger if MIB turned human and sailed away? No. I mean, what’s he going to do when he reenters civilization? He can’t turn into a pissed off pillar of smoke anymore. He’d brood, be bald, and die someday. I don’t know if the island needed to be protected from anyone but people like Widmore, who, if we are to believe Ben, wanted to exploit it in some way. I’m not sure how exploiting the island would be all that bad though. Like I said, it heals people.
Jordan: I will say that I was disappointed in how they used Charles Widmore and Eloise Hawking in the final season. I thought Charles and Eloise would come together on the island and provide more insight into the island mysteries, since both characters seemed to know so much about it.
Matt: Yeah, some side characters got shortchanged. But on a positive note, Eloise got to spend more time with her son in the Sideways World. I thought it was touching when she asked Desmond if he was going to take Daniel with him.

Jordan: Why the hell would Daniel Faraday want to play with DriveShaft???

Matt: Good question. I thought for sure we’d get a stripped down piano rendition of "You All Everybody."

Jordan: Do you think Island Kate and Sawyer hooked up in their new post-island lives?

Matt: I think they hooked up on the plane! I don’t know. I hope Sawyer found his daughter and had some kind of relationship with her.

Jordan: What do you think: Claire rejoins Aaron, Miles sells the diamonds and Richard grows old and dies?

Matt: Absolutely. And Hurley and Ben run around the island like a couple of gods!

So, how does the LOST finale rank among other TV finales?

Jordan: I think the LOST finale will rank among the top finales.

Matt: Agreed. The more I think about it, the more beautiful and profound it becomes. It was a great ride. OK. I’m going to bed.